Success stories

Talking to our colleagues

What do you experience at EQOS? What is the work environment like in our various units? And what exactly is the most fun? We regularly talk to our colleagues about their everyday work and their experience at EQOS so far.

Erfolgsstory Ingo

Strong commitment

As a trained electric fitter, Ingo dedicated his career to catenary construction right after his apprenticeship. He worked as a senior managing fitter for two decades before he took over site management for the western region.

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Man of the first hour

A look back at his career and everything he has achieved so far makes Axel happy. He has worked hard since day one to earn his good reputation with coworkers, partners and customers.

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EQOS success story

Between man and machine

As application administrator in IT, Patrick serves as a translator between people and systems. He explains if and how something works on the systems side and implements it for his colleagues.

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EQOS success story

The fascination of technology

Technical construction poses many a challenge for Janina in her work. Yet at the same time, this is exactly what fascinates her, because each solution represents another step in her own development.

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EQOS success story

From trainee to manager

Interview with Jasmin, regional commercial manager in the Communication business unit Jasmin has been working at EQOS Kommunikation since 2012. Immediately after her training as

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