New start: From 0 to 100 in fleet management

Interview with Bianca (24), fleet management specialist in the Group Procurement corporate unit

As an employee in fleet management, Bianca has been assisting employees and managing vehicles since May 2019. She serves as a contact for all questions regarding motor vehicles, the damage and loss hotline as well as for leasing agreements. he trained commercial clerk previously worked for two leasing companies before she joined EQOS. What helped her when she started was not merely her previous experience but also the good connection she established with her new colleagues.

Why did you decide in favour of EQOS?

I looked at different options and inquired what further professional paths I could take. Through some former colleagues in the fleet network I learned about the position at EQOS. Previously, I worked as a lessor. I can now contribute this useful knowledge on the customer side. I know what topics we need to plan for and the best possible manner we can implement them. It is exciting to get to know the other perspective now, from the customer side, and this was also one of the reasons for my decision.

What made it easier for you to start this job?

It was a little hard for me in the beginning. Since my predecessor had already left, there was no direct handover to me. One colleague gave me an introduction to the most important topics, which was good, but things could have been easier. Ultimately, starting this way was valuable for me. Today, after a half year, I am self-reliant on the job, know how to solve problems or know who I need to ask. The clear structures and responsibilities are helpful as well.

What are your impressions of your work after the first six months?

At first, my colleagues, who are my internal customers, were sceptical of whether what I was doing was right. They didn´t trust me yet and didn´t think I really could do my work. I had to strive for my standing first. In the meantime, people have recognized that what I do makes sense. They approach me with questions and appreciate it when I take the time to explain innovations and processes to them. This half year was a testing phase for all of us. Now I feel that I have arrived, I feel good and I enjoy going to work.

Interactions with my colleagues are the cornerstone.

What is important for successful work in fleet management?

Handling of figures and accuracy are important. In leasing contracts, the details are also very significant. Subordinate clauses or a misplaced comma can have a big impact. But the interactions with my colleagues are the cornerstone. I am a service provider for the other employees of the company.

What tip would you communicate to new colleagues when they start working for EQOS Energie?

What´s important is being open to people and new impressions. There are many different people working together in many different locations and countries. So it is key to be open-minded toward everyone in the course of your interactions. An open manner in approaching people always helps.