A passion for engineering

Interview with technician Arnaud about his work in engineering

In 2013, Arnaud started his vocational training with EQOS Energie. Within one year, he specialised in mechanical engineering. So what was the best thing about his training? Gaining more in-depth experience in this sector and acquiring new skills in other business areas.

Arnaud, what was most exciting about vocational training in this field?

The sector of high-voltage energy transmission is multidisciplinary. The vocational training combines skills in construction, geotechnics, mechanical engineering and public procurement contracts. EQOS Energie covers all of the above. I am particularly interested in energy technology. At the Luxembourg location, I have the opportunity to participate in European projects.

Connecting practical experience at the construction site and theory were the ideal training.

What was the best thing about your training?

As a trainee in engineering, I performed calculations and also participated in on-site inspections. Connecting practical experience at the construction site and theory were the ideal training. Although it was somewhat difficult at the start to learn all the technical terminology and the software for the overhead lines.

Why did you stay with EQOS Energie after your training?

EQOS Energie consists of an engineering office and construction departments in the various business fields (overhead lines, underground lines, substations, communication technology). We can jointly participate in the deliberations on installation design. This makes EQOS Energie very special for me.

What is most interesting about your job?

Teamwork is the most important aspect in this area. It is indispensable that all participants in a project communicate with each other about the results in order to implement such insights.

What is your job about and what is your advice for future applicants?

Every day is different – always depending on project progress. We must always be focused in order to never forget one of the parameters required for implementing the calculations. I think that the key for the success of a project is to be thorough and organised and to exercise enough foresight to anticipate problems.