Occupational safety: EQOS Energie attains “Level 4 Proactive” SCL certification

3. March 2023
  • Company demonstrates second highest SCL occupational safety standard
  • Certification was previously only awarded to two companies in the entire industry
  • EQOS Energie obtains 3-year certification for safety culture in overhead line construction

The EQOS Group has always pursued its very own path in terms of the occupational safety of its employees and, in doing so, applies very high standards. As one of the leading providers of infrastructure services, the company successfully underwent a “Level 4 Proactive” Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) audit with its Overhead Line Construction business unit a few days ago.

The SCL builds on considerations and insights of behavioural occupational health and safety. Using this tool, the awareness of the workforce, their performance and the culture of a company with regard to safety can be advanced in stepwise fashion. This also includes the relevant cooperation with partner companies and their awareness and actions in terms of safety. Overall, the SCL includes five levels, with each level reflecting the development stage a company is in with regard to its safety culture.

Occupational safety awareness as a quality feature

The SCL Level 4 Proactive demonstrated by EQOS Energie indicates that safety is a high priority within the company and is deeply embedded in its operational processes. A company which received this certification continuously invests in increasing occupational safety awareness. In such a company, employees are encouraged to address dangerous behaviour with each other. Improvements are structurally implemented and evaluated. This approach is characterised by proactive behaviour and initiative. Occupational health and safety awareness is considered the responsibility of each individual employee: “What contribution can I make?” This conduct, combined with the open communication practiced in the Overhead Line Construction business unit, is rated very positively by the certifying institution.

“Safety and health are top priorities for us. They are the fundamental pillars of all EQOS processes, and we live and practice them every single day. I am proud of our team that we have succeeded as one of three providers in the market to have certifiably achieved this high level of quality, and I thank all of our colleagues who have contributed,” Eric Mendel, CEO of EQOS Energie, said about the award. NCI Certification, a leading expert organisation and auditing company, served as external auditor.


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