Good project work is a team effort

Interview with Peter (32), project manager in the Energy Technology business unit

Peter completed a dual bachelor curriculum in the discipline of mechatronics and subsequently got his master’s degree in electrical energy technology. As a project manager, he organises and coordinates various switchgear projects at the Radebeul location. part from technical issues, he mainly deals with people: He discusses upcoming tasks with the fitters, addresses customer requests, coordinates with colleagues and schedules appointments with suppliers.

Peter, what is exciting about energy technology?

The energy transformation has been proclaimed for more than 10 years. Participating in this transformation is particularly appealing. Generally, there is a lot going on in energy technology. I enjoy observing what developments are under way and how they are implemented. The industry is multi-facetted and offers the most diverse work opportunities. For example, during the practical stages of my degree program, I worked in various transformer plants in all of Europe; today I coordinate projects during which I can work with the products of that time. I simply enjoy my work and I am very interested in it – which are the best prerequisites for a good job.

What are your tasks as a project manager?

I am responsible for organising everything internally and for connecting people and areas with each other. During a typical work week, I usually spend two days at the construction sites for on-site coordination, construction discussions and safety inspections. The other three days I work at the office and take care of organisational and operative tasks: I request services, negotiate with suppliers, order materials and do the monthly assessments of projects and hours.

You should have good people skills and be able to perceive their needs.

What abilities should a good project manager have?

You should have good people skills and be able to perceive their needs. That is essential for a project manager. To coordinate all parties involved and to successfully implement a project often requires a lot of tact. However, a technical understanding of processes is also necessary. I know four out of five procedures, which makes the work easier. Furthermore, teamwork is important. From fitters and project assistants to project managers, customers and suppliers, all of us work hand in hand.

Which project did your team implement particularly well, and why?

In principle, I would claim this about all my projects (laughing). But one of our current commissions is particularly great During ongoing operations, we are working on a substation. We are temporarily connecting two transformers with two line fields; the entire primary and secondary systems will be renewed. We are performing the work together with our colleagues from the Overhead Line Construction business unit. In this very comprehensive project, our expertise complements each other very well. With regard to some tasks, our colleagues are technically better prepared due to their experience. This project, which is implemented across business units, shows once again how valuable good cooperation is.