EnBW commissioned EQOS Energie to connect the network stability system to the 220-kV line. This way, EQOS Energie makes a valuable contribution to network stability in the larger Stuttgart region and expands its portfolio in the Energy Technology division by project planning in control technology.
EQOS Energie, one of the leading infrastructure service providers, was awarded the commission by EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG to connect the 300-MW network stability system entitled Marbach 4 to the 220-kV line and is therefore tasked with making the connection via a control panel. EQOS Energie will perform planning and programming during this project as well as procurement, construction, fitting and commissioning.
Precise work under enormous time pressure
The continuing energy transformation in Germany changes the grid: Generating renewable energy is not a constant process. Due to environmental impacts or outages, it is subject to fluctuation. The Marbach 4 plant is only used when systems within the power grid have already failed and network stability is jeopardised. In such a case, the network stability systems will – likely for a relatively short term – provide relief to the power grids. Located north of Stuttgart, the Marbach 4 power plant is currently being constructed as such a network stability system.
What was decisive for granting the award was EQOS Energie´s reliable concept for realising the connection despite difficult market conditions. Since the commissioning of the network stability system is tightly scheduled, good planning with anticipatory foresight is an absolute necessity.
Uwe Trampnau, Managing Director in charge of the project at EQOS Energie: “With this project, we are joining the vanguard of the energy transformation. We are taking on a lot of responsibility for connecting the Marbach 4 gas power plant to the grid on time. Therefore, our planning proceeds at a rapid pace but always with the greatest possible diligence.” The planning stage will not take long, since the fitting work will start in August 2021. Ultimately, the possibility of being able to implement such a fast-lived project is helped by EQOS Energie´s growth course. The company recently expanded its Energy Technology division in Germany and Austria by a total of six operational facilities. For even greater customer proximity and after identifying “regional white spots,” the division led by Trampnau moved to the locations where the projects of the energy supply companies are handled. Since the beginning of last year, the Energy Technology team has grown by about 200 new hires. The search for both new employees and takeover options that complement the service spectrum of EQOS Energie continues at full speed.
First-time control technology projecting by EQOS Energie
In addition, the “Marbach 4” project for EnBW offers a novelty for the infrastructure service provider: For the first time, EQOS Energie does not only deliver the usual primary and wiring work but also the necessary control technology which including the company´s own programming in Hamburg for the 220-kV control panel. The installation of the guiding mechanisms is facilitated through a close collaboration between units within the company. “A power plant connection of such magnitude is very unusual. Now we can use it to prove our newly acquired knowledge. This is what makes this project very special,” Markus Klein said. As Head of Substations/High Voltage Germany South and based in the Hessian town of Pfungstadt, he moved to EQOS Energie´s Energy Technology business unit last year and also works on the expanded service offering. With this commission, EQOS Energie expands its portfolio by one additional and important component while continuing a simultaneous push for greater market growth in energy technology.

Picture : EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG