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Les dernières nouvelles du groupe EQOS
Nous accompagnons nos clients dans de nombreux projets passionnants et sommes heureux de vous les faire découvrir. Informez-vous dès maintenant dans notre rubrique Actualités sur les marchés que nous avons remportés ou sur les dernières actualités issues de nos rangs.
Green grid expansion and decarbonisation: EQOS Energie builds substation in Leoben
Trend-setting project for the energy transformation on behalf of Austria Power Grid | Green grid expansion for secure power supply from renewable energy sources | Steel production in Upper Styria... pour en savoir plus »
EQOS Energie shows old power masts how to fly
EQOS Energie teams deploy helicopters to remove more than 50 kilometres of power lines from Salzburg’s high mountain area | Dismantling of 220-kV lines after commissioning of the 380-kV Salzburg... pour en savoir plus »
EQOS Energie supports TenneT project for the energy transformation
New 380-kV extra-high-voltage line for Schleswig-Holstein | Important gap closure between Central Axis and East Coast Line | Contract awarded for the largest project to date in the Engineering profit... pour en savoir plus »
EQOS Group to come under the new strategic leadership of Eiffage
Eiffage Énergie Systèmes signed an agreement to become the new owner of the EQOS Group, specialist in infrastructure services | Sustainable growth strategy will continue to be pursued throughout the... pour en savoir plus »
EQOS Energie ensures sustainable mobility between wellness and world history
Three kilometres of new catenary line systems for high-speed railway in Lower Austria | About 150 masts for reliability and sustainability | Sophisticated construction site logistics, expertise and skill as... pour en savoir plus »
Through the tunnel on e-bikes: EQOS Kommunikation banks on creative solutions for infrastructure project
Reliable mobile phone coverage for railway passengers as part of Stuttgart 21 | EQOS Kommunikation team develops customised concept in the face of special challenges | Sustainable means of transport... pour en savoir plus »
Smart Rail Connectivity Campus: EQOS Kommunikation on board for the development of digital research infrastructure for highly automated rail transport
Autonomous rail travel and expansion of high-performance mobile communications network along the test route between Annaberg-Buchholz and Schwarzenberg take centre stage | EQOS Kommunikation impresses as a full-service provider for... pour en savoir plus »
Digitisation of port logistics: 5G infrastructure for container terminals
EQOS Kommunikation provides support during the construction of Deutsche Telekom’s largest campus network project | Implementation during ongoing operations requires close coordination and strict safety regulations | 5G infrastructure to... pour en savoir plus »
The challenge of grid stability: EQOS Energie upgrades Homburg substation
Upgrading ensures grid stability as a green energy enabler for the energy transformation | EQOS is involved in project development at an early stage | The work will be implemented... pour en savoir plus »
ULTRANET : EQOS Energie conçoit une autoroute électrique innovante pour l’énergie verte
TransnetBW passe un contrat d’environ 9 millions d’euros | EQOS Energie a convaincu grâce à son concept haute qualité et ses réalisations fiables | Une nouvelle autoroute électrique, élément clé... pour en savoir plus »